Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am a mediocre person.
That is what I have discovered today.
I lack a certain drive to make myself "unmediocre"

I just find I don't care about a lot of things.
I mean, I care, I just don't care enough.
Today I was running extremely late to meet my friends, but I found myself thinking, "They can wait; this blogtv show is way more important to me."
It wasn't really.

I also feel like I could be a great student, but I am just to lazy to put in the extra effort--I am stuck being just a good student. I get A's, but that is mostly because I am smart, and things come easily to me. I look around me sometimes in class, and I feel everyone else is trying so hard, and I am slacking off.

I could spend time with my friends, and be a great friend, but I would rather waste my time on the Internet. I mean, my friends tell me I am a good friend, but I feel like my friendships are missing something. Everyone else seems to always have something to talk about--they always have inside jokes and memories of good times. I love my friends and I love being around people, but a lot of the time i just don't feel like putting in the effort to have "great times," and I am stuck with "good times."

I could also spend time and think about things that actually mattered and make this blog actually interesting.


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