Saturday, April 25, 2009


I am terrified of the passing of time. Of the fact that someday, I will have to act as an actually functioning adult.
I will have to leave my house and go to college.
I will have to leave college to get a job.
I will mostly likely have to leave that job to get a new job.
I will have to continue this cycle of leaving what I know to move on until
I grow old and I die.

And that terrifies me.
I can complain about how much life sucks, but i only get one shot at it.
No re-dos.
No time travel.
No second chances.

I get one chance to get my life right.
And that is absolutely terrifying.


1 comment:

  1. I too am terrified of time. The thought that, on day, I won't be dependent on anybody but myself-- that's what gets me the most.
