Damn BEDA, setting my standards so high.
I do have a lot to talk about.
So it has been fourish or fiveish days since I last blogged. (I know it was last Thursday, but I don't really know what day of the week it is, and I am too lazy to figure it out. Ahhhh. Summer) But they have been quite an eventful fourish/fiveish days.
Let's do this chronologically:
So, Colin and Katherine were supposed to come over, and we were going to walk around town and have fun, BUT Colin decided to go to work with his mother. We couldn't be that mad at him though becasue he got TO MEET BJORK!
Katherine decided that she would come over anyway, and we walked downtown and went into two music shops searching for the best ukulele (which I can now spell, thank you very much) for the smallest amount of money. It come down to a bright green one that sounded like crap and a less cool-looking wood one that sounded okay. I got the okay sounding one.
It looks a lot like this, but cheaper.
After the Ukulele buying fest, Katherine and I walked to the local antique store, and spent too much time looking at old clothing, old cameras and other old ugly stuff. We tried to buy a garden gnome for my mother (I promised her one for her birthday), but it was $84370349187230491 (or something like that). After weeping a few, gnome-less tears, we went home, and I think I took a nap.
"SIDE NOTE: Cute child singing one of my favorite songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngtKCBrAJ6U&feature=quicklist&playnext=5&playnext_from=QL
I an not sure if I actually did anything during the day on Saturday...
But that night, I babysat the three coolest little kids ever. They were the nicest, smartest, most polite children that I ever have met.
And they were kind of like robots. Kira, the three-year old, and I had the following conversation when it was time for bed:
Me: "Hey Kira, are you ready to go to bed."
Kira: "Yes"
Me: "Well, go brush your teeth and use the bathroom"
Kira: Brushes teeth, goes to the bathroom, climbs into bed, and goes to sleep.
It was unusual. Most of the kids I babysit are quite rebellious.
Sunday morning I woke up at 8:00 and hopped (well, dragged my feet) into the car to participate in something called "Tour dem Parks, Hon!" (notice the baltimorese) Basically, I rode 25 miles on my bike though as many parks in Baltimore as the course-creators (I make up words. deal.) could cram into 25 miles. It was surprisingly fun, being exercise.
And I got a cool teeshirt and chipotle veggie burrito, which basically made it the best day ever.

This is the Graphic that is on the teeshirt. It rocks.
After we got home from the ride, I took a three hour nap, and my parents went to my neighbor's graduation party and somehow lined me up a job.
That night, my mother and I went to see Spring Awakening. It was one of the best shows that I have ever seen. It wasn't the BEST SHOW EVER!, but I really, really liked it.
(out comes Sophie the rambling techie)
The only problem I had was the lighting design, it was kind of gross . They tried to make it all rock concert-y, but I thought it took something away from the music.
This was the busiest day I have had in a very long time.
I woke up to a whole bunch of text messages from three million people, and then proceeded to make way too many plans.
But it all worked out.
First, I went to the mall with Katherine, Colin, and Laura. We hung out at starbucks, ate frenchfries for lunch, and danced obnoxiously to the music coming out of the "cool" stores (i.e. abercrombie). We dragged Colin into a few to many stores with pink clothes, we sunned ourself on these ridiculous rocks outside of the mall,and I bought a super-cool necklace:
Ain't it purrrdyyyy?
After the mall adventure, Katherine and I went to our friend Meghan's house for an evriothon meeting. We didn't actually get much done, but we were pretty okay with it. It was only half of our team (me, Meghan, Katherine, Caitlin, and Clay), and instead of actual work, Katherine took a nap and Clay, Caitlin and I played Wii.
It turns out that I am not very talented at mariokart.
At all.
From the meeting, I went to rehearsal. It was the first real rehearsal we have had for our summer show, and the first, and last time (until tech week), the entire cast was together. It was a dance rehearsal, so I didn't have to do much--I don't really have to write down choreography. I tried to keep up, but most of my notes say thing like, "Weird little step tap thingy," "JAZZ HANDS," and "Lean to left, right, left, right." Its not really helpful to anyone.
This is the song we choreographed. Our dance is better. Our cast is better.
We are better.
After rehearsal, my friends Beth and Roxy and I went on an adventure to find snowballs and ice cream. This involved driving around way too much, and buying snowballs from a kinda sketchy shack on the side of the road.
It brought back memories of last summer. I liked it.
I got home and fell asleep
I had a dentist appointment and slept in way to late, and I almost missed it, BUT I WAS ABLE TO GET READY IN RECORD TIME!
My teeth are in excellent conditions, but I am going to have to get my wisdom teeth out soon. (EEEP! not excited for that one)
After my dentist appointment, I was supposed to clean my room and be productive, but I wasn't. I lazed about, and then went driving.
I am not a very good driver, and driving was very stressful, and my mother and I got very frustrated with each other.
As I was driving (well, I think my mother was driving by this point), I got a call from my friend Nick, and we made plans to go to Ellicott City. We gathered our friends, and we drove off (well, were driven) into the wild blue yonder.
But, apparently everything in Ellicott closes at five, which sucks because we got there at 5:30. We walked around for a while and then we decided to eat dinner. We went to about 6 restaurants until we found one that we could all agree on, was open, and wasn't super expensive.
After dinner we decided to come back to my house, and we crammed eight people into a car made to barely fit six. It was uncomfortable and entirely illegal, but it was all okay and no one died.
We then hung out at my house, playing fooseball, music, and apples to apples. It was really a lovely evening, and most of the people that came were people that I don't really see often. YEY!
Now I am sitting in bed, and I really want this to be done. I think I am going to spell check this, post it, and then go read a book on English people that my mom checked out from the library for me.
Much love.
"I am not a very good driver, and driving was very stressful, and my mother and I got very frustrated with each other."
ReplyDeletePerhaps you'd rather go driving with your uncle?
Not sure if that would be much better...