What is this place, the internet?
I have Lost Contact With the World.
I call it finalitus.
School ends next Tuesday, but it hasn't really hit me yet. My teachers seem to think that best idea is to teach right up until the DAY BEFORE FINALS. My math teacher is actually giving us a quiz on one of the final days, on what we are learned today, and what we are learning tomorrow and Friday. I would be mad, but he is the MOST AMAZING PERSON EVER TO LIVE! I don't know if I have talked about this here, but my pre-calculus teacher is the best teacher I have ever had, and I love him. His class has changed my life. I have learned so much about math and the way my mind works, and have grown so much as a student.
He also has the funniest accent ever, and says some very odd things because of it. Instead of saying "figure," he says "frigger."
Really. I love it.
And isn't he just the cutest little thing ever?
Since I am talking about teachers, I might as well go on a rant about my chemistry teacher. (NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT LIKE ANGST-FILLED RANTS, CLICK AWAY NOW!)
GAH! My chemistry class this year, has been an utter dissapointment. I like chemistry, I like labs, I like learning theories and using formulas, but I DO NOT LIKE TEACHERS WHO CAN NOT TEACH!
My teacher is only 25, and she has been teaching for only two years; maybe she will get better, BUT REALLY! Her idea of teaching chemistry has been giving us formulas and telling us to use them on pointless worksheets. We ask her what the formulas mean and what they are used for in real lab situations, AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW!
The following conversation took place on the second day of class:
Teacher: So these are significant figures, please complete these worksheets.
Student: Why do we follow these rules,when it goes against the math we have learned already?
Teacher: We just do. Please finish your work
Student: But they don't make any sense, where did they come from?
Teacher: I don't know. But those chemists, they were all on drugs. Nothing makes sense. Most of them spent their time drinking chemicals and making up nonsense formulas. *
I then proceeded to look significant figures up on the internet, and they have a perfectly logical, simple explanation.
I have been going all semester, dealing with her poor teaching skills, laughing at her want to befriend the "popular kids," but giving her the benefit of the doubt.
So she recommended me and five or six other girls from my class for a physics camp at one of the local colleges this summer. We were all pretty excited about it. (Sadly, I can't actually do it, but that is NOT important to this story.)
The next day, one of the girls in my class asked why she hadn't been recommended, her grades are as high as ours, she takes the same classes, she is just as intelligent.
My teacher responds, "Well, I just don't see you as the nerdy type. I didn't think you would really enjoy sitting in a class room for two weeks, learning."
It just kind of threw me over the edge.
*Neither the teacher nor the student actually talks like this, but it's a summation of the basic ideas covered in the conversation.
Your math teacher sounds awesome. I had a really cool algebra teacher last year. He was like the smartest guy I've ever met and he taught us without the book and everything made perfect sense. Because you know how math books never explain anything clearly. But he was really cool. Everyone called him Master, which apparently my brother started when he was a freshman.
ReplyDeletePeople who can teach math that well are the coolest people ever. I understand math pretty well, but I am one of those people who just kind of gets. When i try to explain it, i usually just make people more confused.
ReplyDeleteAnd we have tried to come up with a nickname for my teacher, but he is just so awesome that he sheds nicknames. They just aren't cool enough to fit him.