Does anyone else have this problem?
PART ONE: Sentimentality
Today was kind of weird. It was the last day of school for the senior class, and the energy in the school was...intense? extreme? It was interesting, to say the least. I could feel the restlessness and the excitement, and I am only a sophomore.
I was about to say that I don't actually know that many seniors and so it doesn't really even matter, but now that I think about I have four seniors that I would qualify as some of my "best friends" and about 10 more that I have "semi" friendships with--people I know well enough to have conversations with, say hello in the hallway, get rides home from. As the last 4 weeks of school go by, I will most likely realize that there are so many more.
Two of my very best friend are seniors, and even though I am going to keep seeing them (as I said to one of them, Nick, "I plan to spend everyday with you this summer. Is that okay with you?"), it's going to be weird knowing that they aren't in the building anymore.
I didn't actually see that much in school, but it was nice to know that I could if I wanted. It's quite upsetting.
I don't really like the idea of all these people leaving, of this year ending, and time going by. I haven't had the best year, but I have changed a lot, grown up a lot, and made so many friends.
I feel like another chapter is starting in my life, and I am not sure I like it.
I don't know if I have talked about this, but I have an obsession with Ben Folds (I seem to get obsessed with music a lot) and his new CD is the best thing ever.
It is called Ben Folds Presents: University A Cappella, and consists of 16 of his songs arranged for A Cappella groups. It is the coolest sounding thing ever-- it is amazing what people can do with their voices. GO LISTEN TO IT NOW! It is on myspace in its entirety: CLICK HERE
My favorite song is Effington, followed my Jesusland, and then the rest of them.
And I realize that this review uses the words "coolest" and "exelent" a little too much, but I have trouble descirbing it in a better way.
"Love+Happiness+Warm Baguettes+Perfect Weather=this album" is the closest I can get.
PART THREE: Me, small-ified
My uncle sent this to me, AREN'T WE SO CUTE?!
I hope everyone is having a lovely day.
Everyone was really sad about the seniors leaving my school too. They were such a good class and everyone loved them, and it was so weird that they aren't going to be there anymore. Also, I like Ben Folds (or what I've heard of him, which isn't much), and Jesusland is by far my favorite song, except I haven't listened to the a capella version. But I will. Someday. Because my computer is screwed up and doesn't let me do anything.
ReplyDeleteIt has been so weird to relize that the seniors are gone forever. Not that they have dissappeared or anything, but they just are not in school with the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteIt's odd.
But if there is one reason to get your computer un-screwed up, it is to listen to Ben Folds. Number. One. Reason.