It has only been four days since I last wrote an blog entry
And it has been quite a busy forever:
I shall give you a quick summation of the last four days:
SATURDAY I woke up way to early, because my dad needed me to work in the yard. (By early of course, I mean 10am; I am
not a morning person.) I managed to get in a fight with him about my inability to keep track of time, and that just kind of put a damper on my day. But I did the work, and our yard looks really good, which is an odd occurrence. He also offered to pay me $50 a month to keep the garden weeded. I am excited to have money.
After I showered and such, I went to my friend Caitlin's dance recital. I had never been to a real dance recital, AND IT WAS SO COOL! She was in three dances (a jazz number, a tap number, and a ballet number), and they were all super good. It made me a little sad though, because I never took dance and I wish I had. (Well, I took it for a year, but my career ended when, at the recital, I spent more time looking at the disco ball than I did dancing)
After the dance recital, I went home and got ready for senior prom. I didn't go with a date, I went to help out with the photographs, but I still got to dance and talk to people and it was super fun. My hair caused many problems, and was icky, BUT IT WAS ALL OKAY IN THE END.

me, being a super hero at prom. I was SUPER PHOTO GIRL!

My friend Laura, who also assisted the photographer, and my friend Leanne, who actually attended prom.
Because we weren't actually guests of the prom, Laura and I couldn't go to the after-prom party hosted by the PTA, so we slept over at her house and debriefed. It was all super fun.
After waking up (again) WAY to early, I left Laura's house, ran home, and got ready for auditions. I stage manage for my local theater, and we are putting on Seussical this summer. Sunday was the first day of auditions, and it was incredibly slow: we say 10 people in 4 hours.
After auditions, I went home, did my homework, and went to bed.
I went to school, and learned very little. I did get to witness some after prom fallout, which was interesting, but not really fun because it involved some of my friends.
After school I went to the Goodwill and bought some quite hideous clothing that I am super excited about. My purchases included:
-A pink mesh shirt
-A floral dress that my mother calls, "something right out of the eighties"
-A long floral granny skirt
-A puke yellow tee shirt.
I plan to modify the dress and skirt to make they prettier. The shirts, I plan to keep ugly.
After my excursion to goodwill, I ate a quick dinner and went to the second night of auditions. It was very unorganized and stressful; 20 people showed up in about and hour and a half. It was nice though, because I got to see a lot of the kids from last year that I hadn't seen in forever. After auditions were callbacks, which were SUPER FUN, and after callbacks we casted the show.
I think we did a super job, and it is going to be SO GOOD.
I am sure I am going to spend 88% of the next 3 months talking about the show; get used to it. The best part is my friend Laura (NOT the one mentioned above), got a really, really good role, and i am so proud of her.
I after casting, my director gave me a ride home, and I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF because I was able to make small talk. The director isn't that much older than me (22 to my 16), and we went to the same middle school and high school. I was able to talk to him for the ENTIRE 20 minute ride home. (You should be proud of me, everybody)
After I got home around 11:30, I stayed up WAY to late for a quiz. I went to be around 2 in the morning.
I trudged through school on four hours of sleep and large amounts of black tea. We watched a movie in my world history class, after my teacher talked for an hour about how much our school sucks. It was kind of nice not to have to learn anything. The rest of the day was dull, and involved a quiz, sorting yearbooks, and learning about conic sections.
When I got home, I put the cast members' email addresses in my computer and sent out the cast list. Everyone was super excited. I actually called my friend Laura (the one with the big part), who didn't think she did that well. She was absolutely ecstatic, and we spend an hour on the phone talking about the show and how excited we are.
After I got off the phone, Katherine came over and we stalked people on facebook, watched youtube videos, and hung out for about an hour, until dinner time. For dinner, we walked to a local Italian restaurant for and Enivrothon team dinner. It was nice; our advisor bought us pizza and calzones, we exchanged phone numbers, and our teacher gave us all photographs of the team. It was actually bittersweet, because our advisor told us that she is being transferred next year and will no longer advise us. Its upsetting, because she was the best advisor ever: she made us food, let us come to her classroom if we needed a break/help, let me take naps on days when I was too tired to study, and put up with me and Katherine explaining stream conditions via interpretive dance. We have a new advisor, but she won't be as good.
Well I need to do my homework, i just spent 45 minutes doing this instead of trying to do my math homework.
Sorry for the spelling/grammatical errors, I don't really have time to proofread.
I will tomorrow, maybe.