Since i Last Blogged, I have:
1. Became the proud user of a Macbook Pro
2. Read about 1.5 new books.
3. Read Looking for Alaska at least 3 times.
4. Been nominated for Homecoming Princess.
5. Not won Homecoming Princess.
6. Coordinated and organized my school's Spirit week, Homecoming, and Pep Rally
7. Started work on two shows.
8. Saved many a friend from having a mental break down
9. Had a mental break down during an important test.
10. Sung too many songs.
11. Attempted to learn how to sing well.
12. Talked about starting a band.
13. Spent way to much time on the intrnet
14. Stayed up too late, too often.
15. Not failed out of school.
16. Given blood and didn't pass out.
17. Gone trick-or-treating in a costume I wore when I was four.
18. Procrastinated and number of major assignments.
19. Read to many people's blogs.
20. Thought about blogging at least 35 times.